Saturday, January 5, 2013

About us part 1


   Pat grew up on a diary farm. Where he learned the value of hard work at a young age.  It is one of the things I love about him most. He grew up with a pretty big family, four brothers and one sister. He spent his childhood working and playing on the farm. He has several "battle wounds" from all the crazy things that he and his older brothers would do while trying to make the work more interesting and fun. Pat always did well in school and had an awesome group of friends, most of them are still buddies to this day. Pat served a mission in El Salvador, spanish speaking. Another thing that I love about Pat is that he is a simple guy, it doesnt take a lot in this life to make him happy.


      I am a different story, I grew with three sisters. I was one of those really dramatic children. Bless my parents for putting up with me because I was two handfuls. Actually, when I was born I was the perfect baby I slept through the night and I hardly cried. I think it was the calm before the storm.  The turning point was when I was about two. I had so much energy I climbed everything, I danced, I sang, I ran, I laughed and I threw fits. I have memories of climbing up the door moldings in my room and thinking how awesome I was. I loved to make up plays or dance recitals in my grandparents backyard and boss around all my cousins. Ever since I was little I can remember wanting to be an entertainer and live in New York City. I liked school, mostly for the social aspect of it. After a year of college I attended cosmetology school and discovered one of my passions, anything that has to do with hair and makeup.

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